As autumn brings new changes, we see Kendall Jenner stepping into the season with her new hair. She shared her new blonde look with her followers on her social media account, which garnered a lot of attention. Refreshing one’s image is important. If we recall, Kendall Jenner also dyed her hair blonde during the autumn of 2019. She stayed blonde for a week before returning to her dark brown hair. The whole show was essentially for that season’s fashion show. But this time, the image change seems to be more permanent.
Previously, Jenner had dyed her hair red and blonde, and she shared her new look on her social media account.

Hairstylist and colorist Jenna Perry revealed to Vogue how long it took her to transform Jenner's brunette hair into this golden blonde color. In 2019, Jenner went platinum blonde, and now she carries warmer gold blonde tones. Warmer shades help the hair to look healthier and glow in the light and give the feeling of youthfulness and is a great choice to continue the echo of summer for longer,' says Smith.
If you want to recreate Jenner's hairstyle, Smith has a few notes. 'This shade typically works on naturally warmer skin tones of any depth and can be achieved as an all over colour, or incorporated as part of a highlight or balayage technique if depth and dimension is preferred,' he says.

Editor: Nil Yenidoğan
Digital Media Specialist: Ahmet Ertuğrul Efe Yontan
Project Manager: Mert Yontan
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